Madridista Monnarille, osa II - esittelyssä maalivahti Jesús Cabello


Kuten tarkkaavaisimmat KaDyfutsal.netin seuraajat ja Monnarin lehtereiden silmäparit ovat huomanneet, on KaDyn rosteriin hiipinyt syksyn aikana kaksi uutta pelaajaa, joita ei ole vielä kunnolla esitelty näillä sivuilla. Semminkin kun suuri osa maailmaa palailee pikkuhiljaa arkeen historian kuuluisimman Jeesuksen syntymäjuhlasta ja sen johdannaisilmiöistä, on korkea aika nostaa otsikkoihin KaDyn uusimmat sopimuspelaajat, kaimat yli rajojen:

Jesús ”Jesse” Cabello ja Jesse ”Jesús” Kalliokoski!


Kaimakset KaDyssa – Dynamon uusimmat sopimuspelaajat

Kaimoja yhdistää useampi asia. Molemmat Jesúkset ovat aloittaneet futsalin uudelleen pienen tuumintatauon jälkeen, ja molemmat ovat ylittäneet seurarajojen lisäksi kieli- sekä valtakunnanrajoja. Jesús Cabello Torras (24) on muuttanut elokuun lopulla Jyväskylään Madridin liepeiltä päätarkoituksenaan vaihto-opiskelu opettajankoulutuslaitoksella. Jesús Kalliokosken (29) edellinen osoite oli hieman pohjoisemmilla leveysasteilla Uumajassa; sitä ennen hänet tunnettiin lajipiireissä kokkolalaisen futiskoulun kasvattina ja futsalseura TP-Kaarlen monivuotisena liigajyränä – siis useita kertoja myös KaDyn vastustajana. otti herrat syvähaastatteluun syksyn jesus.jpgpitkillä vieraspelimatkoilla. Ensimmäisenä esitellään nuorempi "El Jesse Español" ja jatkoa seuraa myöhemmin "Svenska Jessen" haastattelun tiimoilta.

Cabello ei suinkaan ole ensimmäinen Madridista monnarille KaDy-paitaan päätynyt pelaaja, sillä syksyltä 2014 muistetaan Dynamoa edustanut José Ignacio "Nacho" Marturet del Río, joka sai muistoksi onnistuneesta kaudesta SM-hopeamitalin postitse toukokuussa. Tuolloin julkaisimme Marturetista lähikuvan otsikolla "Madridista Monnarille"; tämä sarja pääsee viimein toiseen osaansa.


– ¡Hola, Jesse! ¿Qué tal?

– ¡Ave! Muy bien, gracias…


– ¿Vamos a hablar inglés por un tiempo?

– Sí, eso está bien.


logo_Club_deportivo_Kolbe.jpg– Jesús, you’re a goalkeeper by training. Tell us a little bit about your futsal background?

– Yes, I used to be a futsal goalie in my youth; for instance when I was 18, I played in a club called C.D. Kolbe. We played in Primera Division Juvenil which is the second highest junior tier, we won the series and we were promoted to Primera Nacional Junior, the highest level of boys’ futsal. But then I grew out of the junior age limit so I moved to a club named A.D. Escurialense [El Escorial, 50 km north-west of Madrid]. The level was Nacional B [the fourth highest level in Spanish men’s competitive futsal]. Futsal was my sport as young in Spain; I was never really a football player. But as you know, that is quite usual in Spain.AD_Escurialense.jpg


– It’s three years since you quitted Escurialense. What happened?

– I just didn’t have the true motivation to train and play competitively – and motivation is crucial – so I decided to concentrate on my studies, teacher training. I was busy enough with my studies anyway, so it was challenging to find time for proper training, and I didn’t want to be engaged half-heartedly.


– …and now you’re back again, and we like it! What made you return to futsal, the noblest of team sports?

– I just felt like it when I came here. I was glad to find a proper futsal club in Jyväskylä and I wanted to join, to return to the court. Although I definitely came to Finland to study properly (and not, for instance, to party every week), I think here it’s easier and more comfortable for me to combine studies and hard training.


– How have you liked KaDy so far?

– It’s been hard training, good quality and definitely challenging enough. The level is good indeed, the training sessions are meaningful. It’s been hard because I don’t know enough Finnish, but we communicate in English – and a few words of Spanish occasionally. I like the team, I like the boys. The spirit is good and supportive. Apart from one nasty eardrum injury that kept me away from the court for a few weeks, I’ve quite enjoyed my time at Monnari.


– When you came to Jyväskylä, KaDy had just got the major transfer of "Juppis" Savolainen, one of the best futsal keepers in the country. Moreover, although we also lost one keeper (Henri Hytönen) to PP-70, the club icon Niila-Ville Laitinen has recovered and KaDy now has its share of excellent goalkeepers for the Finnish league level. How do you feel about that?

– I’m fine with the idea, I can certainly live with it. Anyhow, I didn’t expect to just walk into the starting lineup of a league roster; and KaDy surely has one of the best goalie duos in Finland. But it was always so for me in Escurialense, so I’m pretty used to internal competition.  I like challenges, I like to train hard and in a determined way, pushing myself to improve. I don’t think it was bad luck to land here simultaneously with Juppis. If Juppis and Nippe get to play more important matches, I’m happy with KaDy’s situation.I’m sure we all learn things from each other and push each other further. And I am also prepared and happy to play for any of KaDy’s reserve teams [JoSePa, KaDy III, or even KaDy/Vellamo]. I like playing and I like training; the teams’ success is ultimately what matters.


– Finally, how do you like the city of Jyväskylä?

– I really like it a lot. It’s beautiful up here; there are nice lakes and the air is so fresh. Although I’ve studied in Madrid, I’ve lived in smaller towns. I was always more of a small town boy than a city person. For me Jyväskylä is surely big enough; I’ve got just about everything I need here. I really enjoy the combination of the compact city and the generous nature. The wilderness is so close here, not to mention all the green within the city boundaries. I’m staying until early summer and I’m already thinking about a second year here.


– ¡Muchas gracias por la entrevista! ¡Ave, Jesús!

– De nada... ¡Ave! [laughter…]

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