The Player Card Series for EUC Begins - Introducing Kerkko Huhtanen


KaDy students will participate, as a representative of the University of Jyväskylä, in the European Universities’ Futsal Championship (EUC) held in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia this summer (July 18th – 25th, 2010). During the next seven weeks will satisfy the desires of the gossip-thirsty public by publishing an informative player card of every team member one by one. Stay online – any day can be a new player card day!


3# Kerkko Huhtanen

An anonymous peer review: “He plays by the book, always; and, paradoxically, that’s precisely what makes him so wild and untamed not only on the futsal court but also in the outside world.”


Date of birth: 23.1.1982.

Status: A player, an assistant coach and the contact person of the EUC-delegation of KaDy (University of Jyväskylä).

Weight/height: 82kg/181cm.

Clubs: KaDy (2008-), FS CamU (2004-2008), JIlves (-2004).

Major subject: Social sciences of sport (University of Jyväskylä).

KaDy-name(s): Georg, Grigory, Physis, Physical.

Strengths as a futsal player? "Maybe the nick names (KaDy-names) refer to something actual. Come to see our futsal games and draw your own conclusions."

Interests outside futsal court? "Dreaming, scheming and planning of world domination."

What have you always wanted to know about a KaDy player but have been too afraid to ask him? "I’d like to ask “Kajuk” Kytölä whether or not he has ironed his red sweatpants for Zagreb already?"


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